Club Season

Three Points of Emphasis

  1. Getting off to a good start! This is no substitute for establishing the fundamentals early in the season. At most levels, teams run the same systems. The teams that are most successful simply execute the fundamental skills better. This is one of the reasons we have decided to start the Foundations Program.

  2. Plan to be playing your best at the end! Playing your best at the end of the year follows a specific process that takes buy-in from top to bottom. Get your big rocks in place early. Stick to your pre-season, mid-season, and championship season plan.

  3. Collaboration! The rising tide will lift all boats. If we work with other coaches and teams, it will not only benefit you, but others around you. Teams will share courts this year, but we need to sell this idea to our players, parents and peers.

Facility Clean Up Procedures

Facility Cleaning Procedures

Coach Referral

If you know someone that is interested in coaching club volleyball with us please complete the form below to submit their information.


Court Sharing

Teams will be sharing courts this year for a variety of reasons. We believe that collaboration, positional training, and competitive environment are key to team development. Teams will share with a consistent team for the entire club season. We expect coaches and teams to work and train together. The weekly schedule and court assignment is listed below.

Weekend Practice Schedule

The Sunday practice schedule will be communicated at least two weeks ahead of time. Please be sure to speak with your families as soon as the schedule is completed. Teams will have their own court during their weekend practice whenever possible.

Practice Policies

Please review the practice policies page for best practices and Holiday/Spring Break policies.

Substitute Coaches

In the event that you can not be in attendance for practice or a tournament it is your responsibility to find a substitute coach to fill in for you. Utilize the Sub Coach Directory to quickly find someone willing to fill in for you. If you’d like to submit availability to substitute coach please fill out the Sign Up to Sub Coach form. Finally if you did substitute coach for some please fill out the Sub Coach Pay Submission form to receive payment.

Tournament best Practices

Below is a PDF containing helpful hints and procedures for navigating tournaments. If you have questions please reach out to your site director.

Tournament Feedback form

Below is a form to complete to provide feedback on any tournaments you attend this season. This will aide in the creation of schedules going forward.