


Principles (for Non-Setters)

  • Simple movements are better than complex movements – the simpler the movement the easier it is to repeat 

  • Passing high and off the net is statistically proven to be most effective

Setting Keys

  1. Hands up Early, in the Shape of the Ball (shape early)

  2. Extend (like a chest pass in basketball)

  3. Face the Ball, Square to Target (over one leg?)

Basic Setting Drills.jpg

Setting for Setters

The objective of a setters is to give good swings to their hitters. Good swings is about giving the hitter the possibility to hit FAST, hit HIGH, and hit with RANGE.

The 3 most important contributions of setters:

  1. The setter’s ability to set the ball accurately to the sidelines from a Perfect Pass (PP) and a Not So Perfect Pass (NSPP) with good tempo.  Let the hitter do the work. (Which means give them the ball they need to hit fast, hit high, hit with range, there must be this feedback loop that originates with the hitter, one where the hitter must have some sensitivity in how she says things and the setter must understand this loop is to make everyone better). Location at 95% is our goal for each setter in all conditions the game puts you in. 

  2. The setter’s ability to streak the quick hitter and set the quick hitter from a large area of the court dictated by a less-than-perfect-pass.

    • So now you can run an offense – make choices (very important to make “informed choices”. 

  3. The contribution a setter may make to the team in non-setting, point scoring skills (serving, digging, blocking, and dumping/attacking).

Setter’s need constant feedback

Setters need feedback on every play. Setters must know where they are and where they want to go. So, setters must watch every practice with a specific end in mind.

Feedback Loop (Setter and Hitter)

  • Set Location and Adjustment = Hitter to Setter

  • Situation Adjustment = Setter to Hitter

  • Report of Blocking Tactics = Hitter to Setter

The Greatest setters get their hitters to play for them. Great setters are concerned about the team meeting a specific performance standard, however, they understand how important it is for the players to be connected to them on and off the court. 

Tutoring List:

Objective: Redirect the ball (keep this mind)

  1. Where do we want the pass?

Passing Target.jpg

2. Where do I stop?

Where do we want the setters starting position?

  • What kind of serve?

    • Type- Jump, Float, Short

    • Difficulty- Tough or Easy

  • Face the Passer, back to the net

  • Open to the court, right shoulder

    • What about seeing the block?

3. Where do you want the ball to go?

  • Attack point- Location at the net. Where do we want the set to go?

  • How fast do we want it to get there and why?

    • Tempo First (Speed kills, but it can kill you if you don’t know how to run it)

  • When should the setter be conservative?


  1. Handwork

    • Shape Early (some variation by setter)

      • Setter Pepper

    • Simple and Smooth (both in front and behind- head back a little)

    • Force behind the ball (touch)

    • Extend and Square (directly to target- not across the body, unless in trouble)

    • Hands when off the net (simple is better than complex)

  2. Footwork

Understand the game will allow or demand a certain number of steps at a time and there are specific steps that help a setter get coordinated.

  • Neutral & Read to move

    • Can I move?

  • Split Step

  • Box Step on Perfect Pass (R, L-R)

  • 3-Step on Not So Perfect Pass (R, L, R): Pivot to Square

  • Off Right

  • Off Left

  • Jump Set (makes things quicker and more difficult on the block)

    • One Handed

    • Dumps (Both Hands, Left Hand, Right Hand)

3. Extra work in Rotations 3 & 4

  • 3 Steps?

  • Which way do you turn?

4. Setting off pass from Zone 1

  • Right Shoulder Rule

5. Trouble

  • Play it underhand, play it safe

    • Max of 5- few more for HS

  • Setting off Dig

  • Setter Front Row (Blocking)

  • Setter Back Row

  • Setter Front Row (Digging)

6. Call a Name

  • Digging 1st Ball

  • Unclear 1

7. Cover

  • The best

8. Setting Quick (in Front)

  • Quick Attacker makes call (objective = set mid-line)

    • Off Coach Toss

    • Back ‘n Forth with Setter

    • Fixed Sets (4th Step)

    • Floating Sets

    • Quick Sets off the Net

9. Setting Quick (Behind)

  • Slide- 2nd Step

  • C- 4th Step

10. Work on the situations that need work or cause problems

Distribution Philosophy

  • Sideout %

    • We must S/O between 55% - 65%

  • 3 or 4 Points of Attack

  • Top 2 Points of Attack = Top 2 efficiency hitters

  • Top 2 Points of Attack by rotation

  • Top 2 Points of Attack by situation

The Academy Setting Chart

Academy Setting Chart.jpg